Arts Alive Resarch

Arts Alive SDSU is committed to a rigorous program of research that examines ways that an arts integrated curriculum impacts the educational experience of a diverse population of university students. By developing quantitative and qualitative methods for measuring student engagement in the arts, the Arts Alive SDSU research team aims to assess how arts activities contribute to the learning objectives of courses in the arts, humanities, and sciences.

Fundamental to the research agenda of Arts Alive SDSU is the recognition of art as a creative mode of critical inquiry, an important tool for transformation, communication, interpretation, and the construction of knowledge. In addition to considering traditional forms of literacy, Arts Alive SDSU is exploring strategies for collecting and analyzing the rich visual, aural, and kinesthetic data generated by arts experiences.

The ongoing research projects of Arts Alive SDSU have resulted in scholarly presentations at professional conferences, publications in peer-reviewed journals, and innovative grant proposals that continually seek to enhance the academic achievement of students and enrich the community through academically informed art.

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